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Gold Circle Award Profile: Mary Pat Bitner with ABM Business & Industry

Mary Pat Bitner with ABM Business & Industry was named 2020 BOMA/Chicago Affiliate Member of the Year.



In 1995, I began volunteering my time at CARA, 一个为努力摆脱无家可归和贫穷的恶性循环的个人提供工作场所培训的组织.

从那时起,我一直是几个组织的积极成员. I have been an active participant in BOMA/Chicago, 我一直在努力确保ABM的代表,并支持他们全年的活动.


What are some of the services your company provides?

ABM is a leading provider of facility solutions in urban, suburban, and rural areas through stand-alone or integrated solutions. We provide comprehensive, 定制设施解决方案,适用于各种规模的物业-从学校和商业建筑到医院, data centers, manufacturing plants and airports. ABM’s solutions include janitorial, facilities engineering, parking & transportation, energy, electrical, landscape & turf, HVAC & mechanical, and mission critical services.

我们也有能力提供全面的现场管理和自我执行的多线服务随着提供明确, concise reporting, safety and operational training programs, and client focused technology solutions. Furthermore, 从自执行服务中获得的专业知识和知识使ABM能够交叉利用劳动力和重新设计服务,以提高效率并降低成本.

Given the changes to cleaning techniques in response to COVID, ABM今年实施了哪些新的实践和程序?

ABM的独特定位是通过三步法帮助客户预防接触和遏制病原体的传播, backed by experts. 我们的EnhancedClean项目包括安全返回服务,以建立客户返回工作空间是安全的信任, 频繁的高接触点消毒,以灌输对定期清洁和消毒计划到位的信心, 使用静电喷雾器进行更广泛的消毒,使整个设施达到更高的标准.


To promote consistency in execution and effectiveness, 加强清洁培训计划教育我们的员工如何正确地执行计划, 而我们的程序认证则验证了ABM正在使用正确的流程, supplies, training, and communication.

我们有机会购买大量EPA注册的消毒剂化学品, employee PPE, and specialized equipment to reduce potential exposures. Furthermore, 我们的“增强清洁”计划通过居住者标志提供视觉保证,让居住者放心,他们的健康是重要的,并且得到了照顾.


A clean facility is no longer enough. During these unprecedented times, 对于设施所有者和管理人员来说,要证明他们正在尽自己的一份力量来提供清洁,就需要加强审查, healthy, and safe environments. 我们也明白,建筑物的居住者非常注重清洁的外观,并期望清洁过程更加透明和可见.  As an industry leader, ABM的定位是帮助教育设施管理团队,了解纳入消毒协议的必要性,以提供更健康的空间并保持居住者的信任.

As an industry veteran, 你在商业地产行业工作的这些年有什么收获或经验?

While teaching classes at Cara, I developed many skills that would help me later while working at ABM. At Cara, I learned if I was going to train someone else, I needed to make sure I was well trained myself through research, webinars, and/or classes. 无论我是在为像I -mop这样的新技术开发培训,这一点都很重要, teaching customer service, or explaining business models to new ABM executives.

Resolving issues quickly is a major skill I have learned, whether it is related to personnel, equipment, or methods. Particularly with human resource issues, 我想确保这些问题是在工会的指导方针下解决的,并与客户协议保持一致, but also while maintaining the dignity of the individual. Respect for everyone involved is essential.

我总是努力适应每一种情况的需要. 无论是个别客户的需求,还是对诸如脑膜炎应对计划之类的具体要求, for example, or the cleaning requirements of an entire building, 倾听我的客户和员工的意见有助于建立持续多年的关系.

Things are always changing in the commercial real estate environment, 所以你必须随时准备好适应下一个新事物——这是我们今年学到的比以往任何时候都多的一课.


在这个行业,我很自豪地帮助了几个慈善组织. While on the board at CREN, for example, 我能够组织并为CREN无声拍卖募集捐款. The proceeds, up to $8,000, are given to the American Cancer Society.

在ABM,我在酒店创建了地球日项目,以帮助支持环保意识. Those have been duplicated by many other account managers.

However, outside of the commercial real estate industry, ABM也让我有机会为各种对我很重要的慈善组织工作. 除了在卡拉的志愿者工作,我还在帮助受虐妇女的Wings做志愿者. 我组织了一些活动,为在该组织寻求帮助的妇女和儿童收集衣服. 我还与圣地教徒合作,为他们在海地和牙买加的扶贫项目筹集捐款.

I am a strong believer in giving back to those in need, 我最自豪的可能是我为这些组织所做的工作.

What do you like to do for fun?

I enjoy cooking, entertaining, and dancing.

您想提名一位业内专业人士角逐金环奖吗? 我们将于10月23日星期五之前接受2021年金圈奖的提名. Head over to our Gold Circle Nomination Process page for nomination guidelines and forms.